Nutrition and science for fertility, IVF and pregnancy
Rachael Robinson
Fertility Nutritionist
Registered Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr)
Nutritional Therapist (mBANT)
I help people struggling with fertility challenges fall pregnant, stay pregnant and bring home their longed for baby through Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
My vision is to help you get pregnant faster, whether naturally or through IVF using targeted nutrition and lifestyle support.
Becoming a parent is an exciting time in life, but for some the journey takes extra support. Nutrition and lifestyle play a huge role in helping our bodies prepare for conception, implantation and developing our baby throughout pregnancy. By making tailored changes we can help balance hormones, support immune function, enhance egg and sperm health and support the body in conception whether that be naturally or via assisted reproduction.
I would love to share with you how to optimise your fertility in a way that is practical and realistic for you.
Rachael Robinson
Unexplained infertility
Hormone imbalance
Irregular periods
Over/underactive thyroid
Ectopic pregnancy
Early menopause
Low egg count/premature ovarian failure
Male factor infertility
About Rachael
My fertility journey was a long one stretching over 4 years which included miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, 6 cycles of IVF, IUI, low AMH, overactive immune function and endometriosis. I get it, I have lived it and I was fortunate to be able to use my knowledge of functional medicine, nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle to get myself over the line and off the fertility rollercoaster.
With over 9 years working in nutrition I have helped women and men overcome a huge number of fertility issues and go on to have a viable pregnancy and a healthy baby.
I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist (mBANT, Dip ION, CNHC), and Registered Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) with a specialist focus on Fertility.
Alongside nutritional intervention and functional testing I work with my clients by closely coaching and supporting them in navigating their fertility journey. The nutrition changes work when we couple a tailored programme with lifestyle support.
Get in touch to see how Rachael can support you.